The first step to using Workphorce is to create an account! The more detailed your account is, the more likely you’ll be able to get jobs.
After going on to the app, select “Sign Up” near the top of the screen and follow these instructions:
Enter your email and your desired password. Make sure you are able to log into your email to verify your account. On the next screen, select whether you are a Contractor or a Laborer.
Enter your first, middle (optional), and last name, your birth date, gender, phone, and make sure your email is correct.
On the Menu Bar on the bottom of the screen, click on the Profile Page.
Go into General Info and link your PayPal account. This will allow you to create jobs and bid on jobs, and use Workphorce to its fullest.
If you pop into Schedule, you’ll be able to select the days and hours you’ll be available to work.
By going into “Job Info” you can select the trades that you’re best at. We only allow you to put your top 5 to make sure the work you provide is good quality. Add your SSN or ITIN. And check the box if you have a vehicle.
Add pictures of all the projects you’ve done previously into your Portfolio! When you bid on a job, contractors are going to want to see the quality of your work.
That’s all you need to get started! Good luck!!
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